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FY 2013 Authorized Environmental Analysis Organization Management Services Project

The report of "Authorized Environmental Analysis Organization Management Services Project of year 2013" was commenced for the Environment Analysis Laboratory, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan. The accreditation works of quality system and testing techniques of applied items for both new-setup and in-operation laboratories had arranged based on the "Management Regulations of Environmental Analysis Organization" and the "Management Regulations of the Motor Vehicle Emissions and Noise testing organizations". These auditing works included laboratory quality management system auditing, testing techniques auditing (in-lab instrumentation and in-field sampling), and performance tests (in-lab and in-field). After these auditing works had been done, the Technical Assessment Committee evaluated the records of these auditing works and made the final decision of approval of the application of new-setup or/and in-operation laboratories. One auditing methodology conference for the auditing specialist and the members of Technical Assessment Committee and a conference for the authorized environmental analysis organizations were held in this year. There were 225 cases of documentation evaluation, 114 cases of quality system auditing, 182 cases of performance testing (in-lab and in-field), 484 cases of testing techniques auditing(in-lab instrumentation and in-field sampling) and 392 cases of report signatory qualification had been evaluated within 12 Technical Assessment Committee meetings. There were 2,344 performance test samples sent to 100 laboratories this year, the satisfactory rate of performance test was 96.5%. There were no significant differences in auditing reports and performance test by statistics as compared with previous year, which indicates the sustainable performance of these authorized environmental analysis organizations.
Authorized Environmental Analysis Organization, Secretariat, Technical Committee